Personal Computer World 2009 February
Kubuntu 8.10
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: ispell-autobuildhash,v 1.17 2008-03-25 14:45:44 agmartin Exp $
# script for ispell hash autorebuild in Debian systems
# Copyright 2003-2008 Agustin Martin Domingo <agmartin@debian.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
sub usage {
print STDERR "\nUsage:\tispell-autobuildhash [--debug] [--force]\n"
. "\n"
. "Options:\n"
. "\t--debug Show ispell-autobuildhash debugging information\n"
. "\t--force Do the job regardless of versions comparisons\n";
sub debugprint {
print STDERR "@_\n" if $debug;
sub mymessage{
my $message = join(" ",@_);
my $question = "dictionaries-common/ispell-autobuildhash-message";
my $hashfile = '';
if ( $dict ) {
$hashfile = "$dict.hash";
} else {
$hashfile = "dictionaries-common";
fset ($question,"seen","false");
title("dictionaries-common: Running ispell-autobuildhash");
go ();
sub old_myerror {
print "
** Error: @_
This error was caused by package providing hash $dict, although it
can be made evident during other package postinst. Please complain
to the maintainer of package providing hash $dict. In the meantime
you might need to remove package providing $dict.hash\n";
exit 1;
sub myerror {
mymessage @_;
$build_status = "error";
# myclean();
# exit 1;
sub myclean {
unlink <$tempfile*>;
rmdir $tmpdir;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# What to do if a signal is trapped
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sub trap {
exit 1
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Handle autorebuilding
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sub autorebuild {
my $dict = shift || # The dictionary name
myerror "No argument passed to function autorebuild";
my $zmwl = "/usr/share/ispell/$dict.mwl.gz"; # the compressed munched wordlist
my $aff = "/usr/lib/ispell/$dict.aff"; # the aff file
my $hash = "/var/lib/ispell/$dict.hash"; # the hash file
my $desc = "/usr/share/ispell/$dict.desc"; # the .desc file
print STDERR "ispell-autobuildhash: Processing \'$dict\' dict\n";
if ( -e $aff ){
if ( -e $zmwl ){
system ("gzip -dc $zmwl > $tempfile") == 0
or myerror "Could not gunzip the munched wordlist for $dict";
system ("buildhash -s $tempfile $aff $hash") == 0
or myerror "Could not build the hash file for $dict" ;
} elsif ( -e $desc ) {
if ( -x "/usr/sbin/update-ispell-hash" ) {
system ("update-ispell-hash -d $dict > /dev/null") == 0
or myerror "Problems running update-ispell-hash for $dict";
debugprint "Found and run update-ispell-hash";
} elsif ( -x "/usr/sbin/update-ipolish-hash" ) {
system ("update-ipolish-hash -d $dict > /dev/null") == 0
or myerror "Problems running update-ipolish-hash for $dict";
debugprint "Found and run update-ipolish-hash";
} else {
myerror "Could not find any of update-ispell-hash, update-ipolish-hash"
} else {
myerror "Could not find $zmwl";
} else {
myerror "Could not find affix file $aff";
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get ispell compat version
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sub get_ispell_compat {
my @internal;
my $ispell_compat;
if ( -e $ispellcompatfile ){
open (COMPAT,"$ispellcompatfile");
chomp ( $ispell_compat = <COMPAT> );
close COMPAT;
} elsif ( -e "/usr/bin/ispell" ){
# $ispell_compat = `ispell -v | head -n 1 | sed 's/.*Version \([^\ ]*\).*/\1/g'`
$ispell_compat = `ispell -v | head -n 1`;
@internal = split(" ",$ispell_compat);
$ispell_compat = $internal[4];
} else {
myerror "ispell is not installed";
return $ispell_compat;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# The main program
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
use Debian::DictionariesCommon q(dico_checkroot);
use Debconf::Client::ConfModule q(:all);
use Getopt::Long;
$SIG{INT} = \&trap;
$SIG{KILL} = \&trap;
$SIG{TERM} = \&trap;
$tmpdir = "/tmp/ispell-auto-$$";
$tempfile = "$tmpdir/ispellhash";
$compatdir = "/var/lib/ispell";
$ispellcompatfile = "/usr/share/ispell/ispell.compat";
$force = '';
$debug = '';
$build_status = '';
GetOptions ('debug' => \$debug,
'force' => \$force) or usage();
mkdir($tmpdir,0700) || die "can't mkdir $tmpdir: $!";
if ( -x "/usr/bin/ispell" ){
$ispell_compat = get_ispell_compat();
foreach $dict ( <$compatdir/*.compat> ){
$build_status = '';
my $dict_compat = '';
$dict =~ s/\.compat$//;
$dict =~ s/.*\///;
if ( $force ) {
$dict_compat = "forced";
autorebuild $dict;
} else {
open (COMPAT,"$compatdir/$dict.compat");
$dict_compat = <COMPAT>;
close COMPAT;
$dict_compat = 0 if not $dict_compat;
chomp $dict_compat;
autorebuild $dict if ($ispell_compat ne $dict_compat);
debugprint "$dict => ispell_compat: [$ispell_compat]; dict_compat: [$dict_compat]";
if ( not $build_status ){
debugprint " +++ Updating $compatdir/$dict.compat";
open (COMPAT,">","$compatdir/$dict.compat");
print COMPAT "$ispell_compat\n";
close COMPAT;
} else {
debugprint " --- $compatdir/$dict.compat not updated because of an error";
unlink <$tempfile*>;
} else {
debugprint " ispell is not installed. Doing nothing";
myclean ();
=head1 NAME
B<ispell-autobuildhash> - Autobuilding the ispell hash file for some dicts
ispell-autobuildhash [--force]
--debug Show some extra ispell-autobuildhash information.
--force Rebuild the hash file for all dicts providing a
compat file skipping the test.
B<ispell-autobuildhash> is a script that will manage ispell hash files
autobuild, intended to be called from the dictionaries-common tools.
Depending on the ispell
compatibility level and on the compatibility level used for the hash file
if present, will decide whether it must be rebuilt or not. This script will
only work on ispell packages prepared to use it, it will do nothing for other
ispell dict packages.
=head1 OPTIONS
--debug Show some extra ispell-autobuildhash information.
--force Rebuild the hash file for all dicts providing a compat
file regardless of the compatibility levels found.
To use this system, just provide a F<$dict.compat> file in F</var/lib/ispell>
(I<$dict> stands or the hash or affix file basename). Put a "0" in it or just
create an empty one with touch. The way things are done depends on whether
your dict has a single source or a multiple source like ipolish has.
The most common case is having a single source. In this case you must put
the F<$dict.aff> file at F</usr/lib/ispell/$dict.aff> as usual and the munched
wordlist compressed with gzip at F</usr/share/ispell/$dict.mwl.gz>.
This script supports the way ipolish allows selection of subdictionaries
to be put in the hash file. It will detect the presence of the main
language .desc file and call update-ipolish-hash as appropriate.
Although this script looks for the existence of a update-ispell-hash script
with supposedly similar functionality to update-ipolish-hash, this latter
does not really exists, although it might be added at some time to ispell or
to the dictionaries-common system, if enough demand is found.
If your package provides more than one ispell dictionary you will need to
do the steps above for each dictionary.
Dictionaries-common scripts will call internally this script and create a
hash file at F</var/lib/ispell/$dict.hash>. You must set a symlink to that
file from F</usr/lib/ispell/$dict.hash>. You are also suggested to create
an empty file at F</var/lib/ispell/$dict.hash> in the install target of
your package build process. This empty file will be overwritten when the
real hash is created, but will make the hash be removed at package
removal without any magic being done in the postrm and will also help to
keep track about which package owns that file.
B<ispell> maintainer should also call this script from package postinst.
When comparing versions it will get the ispell version from file
F</usr/share/ispell/ispell.compat>, or if it does not exists, from the
upstream version as given in the first line of 'B<ispell -vv> output.
=head1 AUTHORS
Agustin Martin <agmartin@debian.org>